Warrior of Life -
Don't mistake their gentleness for weakness or timeless grace for vulnerability. She has drawn broken arrows from her own heart and used her sharp edges to tread the path into a new dawn as she bled through her lifelong dreams.
A warrior's strength is measured by the size of his heart.
She is respectfully humble. She will stand with honor. She will fight with love. In the face of adversity and those she loves, she will be a voice and a shield. She will be a bacon to light the way home for the old. It will give way gently to the youth. She is a sister, mother, daughter, grandmother ... She is a warrior.
I've been an artist for twenty years.
It is my pleasure to introduce you to my art !
I started with colored dreams. I really wanted to bring these images outward and began to work with these inner images. Today you can digitally record and distribute them with simple means and a good camera. I call that progress.
I traveled in my younger years. All journeys return in dreams. The arrival in a new home was also explained to me in pictures. It was never about taking possession of the world as such, because I was always internally and historically prepared for it before a trip. So the traditions of the people abroad seemed interesting to me and their hospitality. In every little custom of everyday life, smiling faces appear, images that you will never forget.
Do I consider freedom of expression in art to be a fundamental right of the creators and why?
Yes, of course, since every art in the life phases of a person depends on his maturity phase and whose way of being creatively creative is individual, all artists should be encouraged, no matter what they try to depict in their art, this promotes them, never give up and stay creative. That should be a fundamental right of all people.
Creativity is a form of communicating with the world, no matter how, because everyone is good at something. People who grew up multilingual and who have mastered the art of the word are very inspiring to me. I also adore people who are silent and rest in their midst, because they have a great capacity for empathy. Any form of linguistic or creative art can trigger certain connotations in the viewer or reader, which are inspiring for their progress.
I love to watch how people with disabilities, instigated by a little attention and care, find a way for themselves to achieve their own perception of happiness with a slight hint of the finger. One way is also on musical paths. A line that makes it possible for this to be something else, because music gives hope and consolation. It is the nourishment of the soul.
So I've recently started offering a small book entitled "Directions to Future Days!"
Is piracy the way of necessity? with much of my life experience and philosophy in English. I have also been collaborating with Swedish artist
friends on the forthcoming book on the situation of children around the world today.
Social work - In this book I present my work in the promotion of disabled people from 2011-2014.
I offer the "Schatz Freier Rede" I - V. Today I also have four volumes - Lifeline -
of my first 10,000 quotes of 7 years on Twitter.
I present my thirteen novels.
Parts One through Six silently describe the conversation with New York.
I offer an autobiography, and about my cooking and baking.
The book about childhood. I think these words. I see a streak of light in front of me. On closer inspection, it has the shape of a comet. The
brightest end, the head, is childhood and growing up.
Four new books were published in my collection - Wise books in 2021, most of them in English:
The Crow-Winged Dog, a Book of Shadows - Knowing where images stack, over the years, building a life, expressing, reaching out, finding happiness.
This book describes my path of healing from trauma, successfully over forty years.
The Book of Mirrors - to live a life for the living, pretend what you are better than imitate what can be and never will be. This book helps me to
meditate on the four elements, I look at today's society with clarity, the ways for me to find inner freedom, peace of mind, and connection to my spiritual powers.
The Book of Dreams - here I go a step further in my description of how I imagine a better society according to my own dreams.
The Book of Visions - and describe in the fourth volume how I deal with the art of dreaming, in order to enter the world that has surrounded me from
childhood until today, and to try to interpret my vision.
Three past nine moonshines - and in German - Ich schenke dir mein lila Oberteil - my life with men, for each other in a society
that is often inhumane for women!
Lifestylish Havel Punk - part one and two - as poetry and punk - faith question - partnership - marriage question - music game -
Request to affirm life, to accompany an addict to recognize life as the part of dignity, trust and its wondrousness - Liebe kehrt zurück ! - Begleite mein
Herz ! - as English Advice - Company in the Moon !
A band of my most beautiful paintings to an artist colleague with homemade tradody, his illness, his everyday life, to encourage him - who values nature - out of
Merits Ultramarine Magnum - and in English, the novel - Your Voice from the Bottom of the Earth - a friend's philosophical journey
through Morocco on a bicycle.
Mut zu Träumen - A mirror of my soul in an Interview with Dietmar Bartoschick !
My latest novel could be in a new, satirical style with about twenty characters. In the book, I still think up fictional, slightly exaggerated actions of the
characters, more extreme than real, less ornate and idealistic, deviating from dreamed and exemplary, let them do crass things, just to partly represent the subconscious deep-seated meanness of
people, and to describe, if there could also be idiots who are crazy about it, or try to imitate nonsense or attribute all stupid acts to their own gait, to show how really depraved people treat
each other, and nowadays they are not very traditional, religious or rooted in seriousness are, yet how territorial or manly perverted they are with all people, they are disrespectful and regard
women only as sexually applicable earnings.
I link my interview to all portals via my website www.heikethieme.de
I have now published 90 books, 40 of them translated into English, over the past eight years while raising my son
alone. My repertoire consists of four large format hardback art books with parts from painting and all my quotes, then in 2016 I started a blog at The3NinesArts and in it my
paintings exhibition, a philosophy series, in my five volume treasury of free speech. My book about faith and your own ethics is called - Alles aus einer Hand -, plus an
autobiography, professional experience in working with disabled people, resulting in my interview in 2022 with Dietmar Bartoschick - Mut zu
Träumen - about the slowly developed relationship from which trust in love grows.
I invented a new way of expression - to address such natural phenomena. It's like a game and takes language out of the weight. This is how i dream. That's how I paint.
You have to be defiant enough to be alive and to survive every second. Who can stand true human closeness and claim that being together is more than just touching the sky and indulging in a dream?
Women had higher social rules in everyday life than men. Today they act according to their own wishes, goals and purposes, dominate the system that they created for children and the weak, had high spiritual and religious goals, knew that all gods were part of a whole. According to a few theorists from science, who are slowly becoming obsolete, men still want to ascribe omnipotence to themselves, claim that people, regardless of their life problems, are imperfect and such problems have to be analyzed mathematically. Only the contradiction has to be found in the following example. Coffee is good for a cold. If someone drank coffee while having a cold and is now cured, this does not prove the causality of coffee drinking with regard to the cold - Grünbaum 1988, p.409.
I admire all artists who perceive their surroundings with a keen eye. They go out among people and communicate with their pictures and let everyone participate in the communication, whether in the crowd, whether spontaneous shots or maybe to record a very special, melancholy and soulful mood in black and white. This type of art shows the human side of our society and the beauty in the details, even the initiative people show to encourage one another.
The book "The Hour Before We Knew Each Other" shows how history changed in 2020 for the situation of children across Europe. Our systems are invented in such a way that we should have the feeling that nothing can be forced or changed, that it just goes on. In fact, the less imagination that people produce in their minds makes them prone to the illusions of others. This material thought was widespread in our childhood.
They all copy some kind of "natural child" that they never were, but make themselves some kind of guy or lifestyle or special person so exciting that they get closer ... they are all fools and seem to be To be their own joy, but never to become friends, they all want a deal with the fools, nothing else.
To all portals, I link my interview in The3NinesArts, website www.heikethieme.de in German and English.
The woman has a calm confidence that screams out loud. She is humble but strong. She is stable but rebellious. She gives, but not naive. She chooses her fight wisely. She will stay silent until it is time to fight ... and when that time comes she does fight.
My works can be viewed in the bookshop or with a look at the book on Amazon.
Most are available as e-books.
I bid you all welcome !
Yours Heike Thieme