INTERVIEW with "The3NinesArts"
From which age or happening did you start having an interest
in photography ?
I began testing different cameras during various internships. I enjoyed exploring the suroundings to capture the color spectrum offered by nature. Previously, the SLR camera was by far the best camera.
Who do you greatly admire in the photographic arena and in
other areas of the arts ?
I admire all these artists who perceive their surroundings with a keen eye. They go out among people and communicate with their images and let everyone participate in the communication, wether in the mass, wether spontaneous recording or perhaps to record a very special, melancholy and soulful mood in black and white. This kind of art reveals the human side of our society and the beauty in the detail, even the initiative that people show to encourage each
Do you think of particular themes at a time and how much
time do you spend on planning this ?
I started with colored dreams. I wanted to carry these pictures outward, and now and then began to paint these inner pictures. Today you can digitally capture these with simple means and good camera and spread it. That's what I call progress.
Do you have to travel much to get exactly that special scene
for your photography ?
I traveled in my younger years at seventeen and eighteen. All journeys return in dreams. The arrival in a new home also explained itself to me in pictures. I was never concerned with taking possession of the world as such, for I was always historically prepared for it before a journey. So I had learned to know the traditions of people in the foreign interesting and their hospitality. In evey little custom the presence of everyday life, smiling faces appear, pictures you never forget.
Do you often just see something and know you have to
capture it right away ?
I know, when I come into conversation during a spontaneous encounter with someone, I let their hearts speak to me, and it is easy for me to develop the sense of how they need my advice, especially among young people. Spontaneity can trigger whole earthquakes of human trust. And the face of a man preserves his dignity. I think it's like the trees that have invited the birds to linger on their flocks, but never urge them to stay or return to them because they accept that these creatures are free, unbound beings.
Do you consider freedom of expression in art a fundamental
right of creators and why ?
Of course, since every art in the stages of a person's life depends on their maturity and their way of being from now and then creative, all artists should be encouraged, no matter what they try to represent in their art. Never, never giving up and stay creative, this should be a human right.
Do you think that creativity should be a priority of educational
systems and how would you encourage it ?
I always told myself how my grandmother took it, everything takes time. She smiled at me and handed me a big black
book. One day I should know what is written in it, everything that moves me. And since so many questions of life are still unanswered for a young person, each person should constantly try to
actively help others to improve their situation. I mean I was always socially involved, often without a salary. Disabled people, old people and those who would like to get back to work, are such
a large area, it is always a gap somewhere, to gain a certain wisdom from this fulfilling work, simply because one is attracted to people feels and wants to take responsibility
Let's talk about creativity.
What role should creativity play in society ?
Creativity is a way to communicate with the world no matter how, because everyone can do something good. It provides a confirmation and strengthens the feeling of happiness and to let others the chance to participate. You experience the present and gain a glimpse into the future. You prepare yourself creatively for what will be your own hobbyhorse one day. One begins to network more and more, to concede occasionally, and after a while, the artists come to a kind of wisdom about how easily they can concentrate in order to promote mental activity. From then on, man learns to live in the creative flow. So art is a kind of fountain of youth that is inexhaustible, a path that often leads people back into the light.
What message would you like to convey with your
photography ?
I can shape my inner metaphors or my understanding of life out of dreams into a picture, with words and with painting. In fact, I have a voice that answers to the questions that open to me in silence and confirms when the time is right. I would like to encourage people to convey to them that there is an easy answer to all questions that comes to them when they take a moment to rest and wait for the wisdom. And this comes, that's guaranteed.
What or who inspires you ?
People who have grown up multilingual and master the art of the word are very inspiring to me. I love it because its humor gives people courage. I also venerate those who are silent and rest in their midst, because they have a great capacity for empathy, a great deal of friendship, and understand the principle that, in due course, love will grow, if you will allow it. Any form of linguistic or creative art can trigger certain connotations in the viewer or reader, which are inspiring for his progress.
What are your other interests ?
I love to see challenges in working with people with disabilities, who just need a little bit of attention and respect, be instigated and find a way out of themselves, perhaps to reach their own sense of happiness with a slight hint of my own. A path also goes on musical paths. A line that makes it possible to become something else, because music gives hope and comfort. Music is the soul of food. A musician makes music in order to find a way out, to release inner tension and at the same time to dive into another world in a creative way. Another writes poetry in order to get to grips with one's desires. Not to lose access to the other, wishing to be loved by him. Another paints to banis the passion of the colors that swirl in him on the canvas. A ranger walks to avoid losing access to internal paths that point the way for him to leave his childhood. A woman loves to give advice and support to the child of another woman, or to help him at birth. A person exists to keep the necessary laws that guarantee his survival.
My lover says that my body screams for its touch.
Thanks for you interest.
I too appreciated the time to talk to you !
With kind regards,
Heike Thieme
How it works
A journalist engages in hundreds of topics on a daily basis and delivers the public, informing and researching extensively. Maybe your topic is not what people are interested in. Do not stand on the old. As you learn more in life, you can also write bigger things.
Advice - 'How to write a damn good novel' - By James N. Frey
What should it be - Romantic poetry, philosophy, nature experience, work experience, parents, the young savages, departure, politics, fantasy ?
What a breath of fresh air. A doctoral thesis without a program, without interests.
Just letting fives out is like, stretch fours off and take a deep breath.
The necessary steps, when others mourn, trigger connotations that reconcile their imagination with nature. So man will share the world with me as long as my flesh and blood are welcome, and there
will be no wedge between our fruitful relationship.
If the old man did not suddenly doubt, his step would not be slow, the dark water would not be spread right in front of him, if he did not see the lullaby of the open sea, he would not know whom
he condemned, and then simply lay in salty blood and pain.
Listen to the ancestors and look up to them. They told you the best way. They told you all the
restraints you could get rid of. Told you who you are and where you come from. You would know the easiest straight way to go. They told you how to live without weight.
The stars are the fire to me. The sun becomes a mirror.
Doubt the truth becomes a lie. Never doubt to love.
Evolution says, if man goes on like this, his friends will not be on earth anymore.
What else happens until some people begin to think ?
She is the universe. The earth. Your mother. Only she knew about the fantastic and the few, which makes a
core view new. Devastation was not their intention. Their stars prove that it is all creation. Keep Calm. Man, you are in a transformation. We all have our shit days. We also feel tired,
uninspired, apathetic. We also piss on a beautiful, healthy, new world. We know we are not acting to other expectation. We are only a fragment in this virtual world. Yes, we are made of the same
truth. We have the same beauty together.
I do not hunt for people anymore. If you like to spend time with me, this is not the case.
I am satisfied in my own company. I am no more in love. Merci, my Art is my eternity.
My laugh could ruin whole cities...
My laugh could even take my masters pants off.
It could well serve my envious people as a demarcation.
Even those who speak sacredly take the facade off their faces.
It was able to take my breath away from my worst adversary.
It could imagine a city sinking under laughter under pack ice.
It could show the dumbest clown as a petitioner in front of me.
It could even confess to those who hid behind the bush.
If friendliness were not confused with sacrifice and a nice gesture to neighbors not with open exposition of embarrassments, and a professional
project not squandered with a special task force, well, then uncomfortable herbs in the gardens could be seen as necessary ! And love, ... Yes, love would come back and in practice.
It may have seemed like an awesome capacity to believe that we'd even better educate our children, not to take that believing much too serious. The voice that dictates an unfolding of the narrative is both inside and outside of me, a consciousness that beckons to the writer. An ethereal echo. A whisper of wisdom on the wind.
How was that before there were educational standards
People were as good as not politically mature throughout the bank.
New laws were read to them by the pastor on Sunday. When the situation became apparent, people seriously feared for their lives and they formed themselves, for
example in peasant uprisings.
Today everyone is politically mature and has a say. However, all are divided, so less is actually happening.
What about gratitude ?
However, I expressly forbid the readers of my website from attempting to link up, because I do not want to be associated with any outside windows that deviate from my content as far as possible, and I do not take any responsibility for such machinations.